Security measures against covid-19


The use of masks is mandatory at all times, at the entrance, exit and during the show.

At the entrance it will be mandatory to wash your hands with hydroalcoholic gel that will be made available to the public.

Respect the safety distance and follow the instructions of the staff to enter and exit the building.

Attend the event well in advance to avoid congestion.

Los asistentes deben permanecer sentados en sus butacas durante todo el espectáculo.

How to get here

Centro Kursaal Elkargunea
Zurriola Avenue, 1
20002 Donostia - San Sebastián
Tel. +34 943 003 000
Fax. +34 943 003 001

43° 19’ 29.69” N
1° 58’ 35.33” W


Open in Google Maps

Located 20 km away from the French border, next to San Sebastian, Biarritz & Bilbao airports and connected via road and train.

Kursaal is within walking distance of the city’s hotels. You will also find a range of different types of local transport available.
By plain, train, bus or car… please visit Donostia /San Sebastián Convention Bureau’s web site for more details.

How to get there